fredag 17 januari 2014

Max is flying high...

Första gången jag använder den här digistämpeln från Sassy Cheryl's,
den heter "Max is flying high".
It's the first time I used this digi stamp from Sassy Cheryl's,
it's called "Max is flying high".

Jag gjorde ett enkelt kort i nästan enbart blått.
I made CAS card and used almost just blue.

Kan väl passa en liten cool kille som fyller år?!
Perhaps it can fit for a little boy's birthday?!

Deltar i följande utmaningar/Challenges I'm entering

Inky Chicks - Anything Goes
Sassy Cheryl's - Winter Blues
Papertake Weekly Challenges - New Year, New Stash
The Paper Shelter - Winter Blues
Copic Marker Sverige - Anything Goes

14 kommentarer:

  1. Åhhhh vad roligt att du hittat till The Paper Shelter!!!
    Varmt Välkommen och hoppas vi får se dig snart igen!!

    Ditt kort är jättefint!!!

    Lycka till i utmaningen!!

    Kram Lena Dt-TPS

  2. Hi Pillan! So lovely card. Love this image. Thank you for joining us at Sassy Cheryl’s Challenge, hope to see you again next week.

  3. Love the different shades of blues! Thanks for sharing with us at Dream Valley!

  4. Så söt! Skulle också vilja flyga iväg!

  5. This is a lovely creation :) Thanks for playing at PTW this week! xxx

  6. this is so cute - I love his little wooden airplane! -thank you for playing along in our winter blues challenge at The Paper Shelter this week hugs Judith x

  7. This is a perfect boy card- always tricky to do. I love your choice of papers and emebellishemnts. Great to have you with us at THE PAPER SHELTER. Hugs Sheryl xx

  8. Love the image you have used here and coloured so beautifully. Great layout.
    Thanks for joining in with our TPS challenge this week, and good luck
    Eileen x

  9. Simply darling. LOVE IT!
    Thanks for playing along in the WINTER BLUES challenge this past week with my Sassy Gals!!!

  10. Oh! this is just sweet as can be! This little character is so awesome in blues!
    Thanks for playing along in our Sassy challenge this week!

  11. Åhh vilket gulligt kort!! Tack för du är med i vår Anything goes-utmaning på Copic Marker Sverige! Lycka till!

    /Christina, DT

  12. Some little boy is going to be thrilled when he receives this card. Little boys love to turn cardboard boxes into machines. Thanks for playing along again this week at Sassy Cheryl's.

  13. Vilken söt kille!

    Tack för att du är med i vår utmaning på Copic Marker Sverige.

    /Lisa - DT

  14. Jätte sött kort!!

    Tack för att du är med oss på CMS.

    /Åsa (DT)
