tisdag 21 januari 2014

True Friendship

Har gjort ännu ett kort med en del restpapper.

Den här digistämpeln kommer från Sassy Cheryl's och heter "True Friendship".

Dekorerat med lite pärlor, metallhörn och en bit spets.

Är med i följande utmaningar

I Love ProMarkers - Hot colours
Divas by design - Use Ribbons
Passion for ProMarkers - Ribbon, lace or twine
Sassy Cheryl's - Pearls, pearls, pearls
Kort O Mania - Noe nytt (grattis-stämpeln & metallhörn)
Whimsy Stamps - Something new (congrats stamp & metal corners)

11 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, how utterly sweet!
    Thanks for playing along in the Pearls, Pearls, Pearls, challenge this past week with my Sassy Gals!!!

  2. this is just cute as can be! I love your great colors, coloring and design!
    thanks for playing along in our Sassy Cheryl pearls challenge this week!

  3. This is gorgeous Pillan. She is adorable and I love the papers and design.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  4. Love your card, i love Sassy Cheryl images too!
    Thanks for sharing your 'Ribbons' creation with us at Diva's this week and good luck with the challenge
    Hugs Laurie x

  5. Så fint kort du har laget. ! Takk for du deltar hos Kort'O Mania, både utfordring og blogghopp på#100
    Lykke til.
    Klem fra DT Elisabeth

  6. Hi Pillan! Love pearls on your creation, love corners too.
    Thank you for joining us at Sassy Cheryl’s Challenge, hope to see you again next week.

  7. Fantastic. Love your wonderful card. Great coloring and just want to say thanks so much for joining us this week at Sassy Cheryl Challenges. Hugz, joann

  8. Unusual color scheme and it works very well with all these precious embellishments. That piece of lace really looks good. Thanks for showing your creation to us at Sassy Cheryl's.

  9. Oh, how cute is this! I love, love, LOVE this card! I'm so glad you joined us this week for the Sassy Cheryl's Challenge,

  10. Aldeles herlig kort du har laget :-)
    Takk for at du deltar hos Kort O Mania og lykke til! Håper å se et av dine flotte prosjekt snart igjen :-)
    Klemmer fra Karin

  11. Beautiful! Thanks for playing with us at Whimsy Stamps, hugs, Kelly
