måndag 31 mars 2014

Bling it up!

Ny utmaning hos oss på The Crazy Challenges!!
Temat den här gången är Bling it up!

Crafty Sentiments Design har låtit oss välja ut några digistämplar att jobba med och av dem valde jag Flora.
Jag har färglagt med Copicpennorna.

It's time for a new challenge at The Crazy Challenges!!
The theme this time is Bling it up!

Crafty Sentiments Design has let us choose some digistamps to work with and I have choosen Flora.
I have coloured with Copics.

Flora från Crafty Sentiments Design

Jag deltar i följande utmaningar

Kort O Mania - Bingo (halvperler, dies, tekst)
The Paper Shelter - Spring Delights
Sassy Cheryl's - Show Me
Totally Papercrafts - Think Pink

2 kommentarer:

  1. This is so pretty. Love your image and great layout and design. Thanks for joining in with our 'Spring Delights' at TPS this week, and good luck
    Eileen x

  2. Beautiful card, sweet image with lovely shades of pink. Thanks for playing along with us at Totally Papercrafts. Pat K x
