tisdag 20 augusti 2019


Idag visar jag ett Clean and Simple kort.

Stansat ut löven med en dies från KiAs Design.
Papperet har jag färgat in med Ranger Dylusions Spray.

Till bakgrunden har jag använt en "mask", som jag stansat ut med diesen "Tegelvägg" från KiAs Design, och distressat över. 

Materialet kommer från KiAs Butik/webshop

Deltar i utmaningen hos:
Creative Moments - Anything Goes
Polkadoodle - Anything Goes
Crafty Creations - Anything Goes
Lemon Shortbread - Anything Goes
Word Art Wednesday - Anything Goes
Creatalicious - Anything Goes
Happy Little Stampers - Anything Goes with Dies
Crafting by Designs - Anything Goes

Kram från mig ♡

9 kommentarer:

  1. Jag är ofta inne på din sida, gillar den och dina kort.
    men nu nåt helt annat, ser ju att du också har blogger, nu ville jag lägga in en gadget,hur och var gör man det nu, tycker dom har ändrat så mycket, Kan du tipsa mig?

  2. Så herlig kort :) Kjempeflotte blader og bakgrunn :)
    Tusen takk for at du deltar hos Creatalicious! :)

  3. Love is ; such an elegant great card...thanks for joking us at Polkadoodle’s this week; Nelly DT X

  4. CAS is a fave of mine and your creation is just beautiful! So glad you joined us at Creatalicious Challenges!

  5. Wow, this is a wonderful CAS creation! Beautiful background! I love how you used leaves!
    Thanks for playing at crafty Creations Challenge.

  6. Thanks for sharing your fantastic project with us in the Happy Little Stampers August "Anything Goes With Dies" challenge and we hope to see you again next month!
    Leslie, HLS Dies Team
    Love To Scrap 2

  7. This is lovely ... the pop of green is so bright and cheery!
    Thanks so much for joining our challenge at Happy Little Stampers CAS!

  8. A lovely CAS card, a little more than the one third required by our challenge but still a beautiful creation. Thanks so much for playing along at HLS CAS Challenge, Anita x

  9. A lovely CAS card!
    Thank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes + optional add some sparkle” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
    Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…

    (DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)

    (DT Crafty Friends)

    (DT The Sketchy Challenges)

    (DT Simply Create Too)

    PS: Sorry for the late comment, life had been very busy these past weeks…
