söndag 29 mars 2020


Gjort ett bakgrundpapper med ett par olika brusho-färger och sedan stämplat med olika stämplar över detta...
Made a background paper with a couple of different brusho colors and then stamped with different stamps over this...

Till kortet har jag använt detta material från Gummiapan:
For the card I have used this material from Gummiapan: 

Stitched Squares (slutsåld/sold out)


Deltar i utmaningen hos: 
Aud Sentiments - Spring/Easter Sentiment Challenge #247
Crafty Creations - Anything Goes
Creatalicious - Anything Goes
Addicted to Stamps - Make your Mark
Happy Little Stampers - Anything Goes with Dies
Scrappelyst - Maling, spray, paste
Digi Choosday - Anything Goes
Crafty Friends - Spring

Kram från mig / Hugs from me

6 kommentarer:

  1. Hello… Thanks for joining our challenge with your lovely Easter card… those little chickens are so cute and I love your background inking. Please join us again next time at Crafty Friends. Good luck in the draw!
    Diane Louise [Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]

  2. Så koselig påskekort.
    Takk for at du deltar hos Scrappelyst.

  3. What a lovely card: I love those chickens! And a beautiful background too. Well done: thank you for sharing at Aud Sentiments Challenge. We hope you join us next time too! Bye...

  4. Love this. Love your background and those wee chicks. Thanks for joining us at Cute Card Thursday. Hugz Andrea.x

  5. Sweet card, I love the birds and your background is great. thanks for joining us at DigiChoosday
    Sharon (DT)

  6. Love how you made your background, lovely card, thanks for joining our challenge, greetings Petra DT DigiChoosday Challenge
