söndag 26 juli 2020

Somrigt födelsedagskort

Ett enkelt och somrigt grattiskort!
A simple and summery Birthday card!

Till kortet har jag använt material från Gummiapan:
For the card I have used material from Gummiapan:
Allium (utgått/retired)
Crystal Drops (i butiken/in the store)


Färglagt med/colored with:


Deltar i utmaningen hos:
Lemon Shortbread - Anything Goes
Pink Gem Challenge - Anything Goes
Polkadoodle - Anything Goes
Crafty Friends - Happy Birthday
Digi Choosday - Anything Goes
Creatalicious - Anything Goes
Allsorts Challenge - Flowers all over
The Sketchy Challenge - Anything Goes
Scrappelyst - Alt er lov
Crafty Creations - Anything Goes

Kram från mig / Hugs from me

10 kommentarer:

  1. A pretty summery floral creation, many thanks for sharing and joining in with our 'Flowers all Over' theme at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  2. This is gorgeous! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with us at Polkadoodles! Good luck,

  3. Beautiful and lovely card!
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  4. Nice and simple, no fuss.
    Really nice made.
    Thank you for sharing this beatiful card at our challenge.

    -xiss- Renate.
    (DT The Sketchy Challenges)

  5. Hello… Thanks for sharing your floral card with us. It's really beautiful and fits perfectly with our 'Happy Birthday' theme… Your card will certainly brighten someone's day! Good luck in the draw and please join us next time at Crafty Friends.
    Diane Louise
    [Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]

  6. I love the simplicity of your beautiful card. Thank you for playing with us at Creatalicious Challenges.

  7. Thanks for joining Allsorts challenge with this entry, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. Enkelt og delikat, fine kort. Takk for at du deltar i utfordringen vår hos Scrappelyst.

  9. Nydelig kort <3
    Tusen takk for at du deltar hos Scrappelyst :-)

  10. Nydelig bursdagskort.
    Takk for at du deltar hos Scrappelyst.
