måndag 6 september 2021

Tag and bookmarks

 En tag som man kan hänga på en flaska...
Made a tag that you can have on a bottle...

Har också gjort ett par bokmärken och färglagt med Copic.
Have also made a couple of bookmarks and colored them with Copic.

Till bokmärkena har jag använt:
For the bookmarks I have used:


Allt material kommer från Gummiapan.
All the material comes from Gummiapan.


Deltar i utmaningen hos:
Lemon Shortbread - Anything Goes
Pink Gem - Anything Goes
Allsorts Challenge - Anything Goes
Digi Choosday - Anything Goes
Creatalicious - Anything Goes
We Love 2 Create - Anything Creative
We Love Chocolate - Anything Goes


Kram från mig / Hugs from me

8 kommentarer:

Ellibelle sa...

Beautiful tag and bookmarks! Love the bird!
Thanks so much for sharing at Allsorts challenge!

brenda sa...

Such a fun Birdie with those long legs, many thanks for joining in with our August theme at We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge.

B x

Jane Savage sa...

Lovely projects!
Thank you for joining us at Polkadoodles Gem of a Challenge! Jane S (DT) Paper, Pencils & Pretty Things xxx

Mervi sa...

So cute tags!!!
Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

Alice (scrAPpamondo) sa...

Such cute tag and bookmarks! That fun bird makes me smile. Thanks so much for joining us at We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge!

Linby sa...

All such beautiful tags, they are great designs. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

Irmelin Palmgren sa...

Vilka fina kreationer! Kul att du ville vara med i våran utmaning på We Love 2 Create. ///DT-Irre

Pop Lenuta Maria sa...

Beautiful tag! Love the colors combo.
Thanks for joining us at Creatalicious Challenge, we hope to see you again.
Take care! Maria